Not sure I needed a reason other than “look at my wardrobe” to paint my bathroom a vibrant, earthy shade of green, but somehow the universe gave me so many.
This bathroom is honestly one of the features that sold me on this house. Opposite the claw foot tub (that is more than 100-years old and sourced locally, but not original to the home), is a double-headed shower and spacious pedestal sink with sconces. It’s one bathroom but feels like many (and we still have a 1.5 bath, as I call it, downstairs to renovate!)
Here is the before of this view:
I’ve been thinking all day about how this craftsman home feels so much more traditional than our craftsman bungalow-turned Airbnb. Is it that different? Eh, maybe a little.
But they’re both craftsman style, their living rooms are near identical (and y’all don’t let me forget LOL), and green has pretty much been a constant in my style at both homes.
Still, this home feels more historic.
It hasn’t been ripped of its many historic details like our flipped Airbnb has been (not our fault I promise!) and when you look up historic color palettes, this green is it! This home just feels different. More traditional. More like coming home.
We found this house the day Matthew’s final cancer surgery was scheduled for, but postponed due to the ‘rona. The green exterior had us excited, and when I saw this bathroom, from that very day I knew I’d be painting it green when it was officially ours.
Flash forward 9ish months and it’s time to paint the bathroom, and I’m having trouble picking a color that’s just right. And then Clare Paint just happens to come out with *the* color I’ve been wearing for years now, and is identical to our new home’s exterior, the home that made us feel excited again.
Am I getting emotional over paint colors?!
Yes. Yes I am. But do you expect anything different at this point?
Paint is Clare's High Vibes. Let me know if you love it!